I'm and Intuitive Business Mentor, Clairvoyant, Quantum Specialist, and Master Human Design & Gene Keyes Expert.Not too long ago, I was overcome with frustration. I felt that I never had enough time. Basically, I let time and money control me.
Then, everything changed when I discovered Gene Keys and Human Design and nervous system work and how to combine it all with wealth energetics. After a period of study and integration, I began to infuse it into my work with clients.
Overtime, I started working with quantum physics and learned to master time, money, and energy to create everything I wanted in my life.My methodology is a perfectly orchestrated blend of coaching, mentoring, consulting, and healing.My intuitive gifts allow me to say the right things at just the right time.
I have the gift of alignment- whether it’s with thoughts, strategy, or emotions, and I use this priceless gift to help people who find themselves out of sync.
I can help people see things differently, bringing forward what was previously concealed.
I empower others, and I do that by helping them witness and manifest their vision.I affirm to others what they already intuitively know (yet couldn’t put words to).
I am sensitive to synchronicity (‘meaningful coincidences’) and can use this gift to affirm when things are headed in the right direction.
I am a healer and a miracle worker. I use my intuition to help people release tension and replace negativity with positivity.